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SimplePie 0.95

Released on 10 October 2004


  • [New] Item/Entry dates (<pubDate>, <dc:date>, <issued>) can now be formatted using standard PHP date() values via a new parameter in the get_item_date() function.
  • [Fixed] Got the speed back to normal.
  • [Fixed] Resolved glitches in the “bad feed compatibility mode” so that it doesn't jack up valid feeds.
  • [Fixed] All markup inside <code> tags now displays properly. For various other compatibility reasons, all &lt;, &gt;, &quot;, and &amp; entities are converted to their real values. Entities inside <code> tags are now re-converted back to entities.
  • [Fixed] Content inside <pre> tags now obeys linebreaks, rather than displaying everything on a single line.
  • [Fixed] The “Byte Order Mark” prelude in UTF-8 documents now gets stripped out when parsing feeds, which significantly improves feed compatibility.


misc/release_notes/simplepie_0.95.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/06 03:56 (external edit)