SimplePie 1.5 is now available!

Ready to get the latest and greatest?  Download the latest version of SimplePie right here.


Version 1.5 180 KB zip file. Released on 17 April 2017.
Make sure you meet the requirements.

Alternatively: Trunk & Branch Development Builds | SimplePie Plugin for WordPress

SimplePie In Your Browser

Get easy access to SimplePie directly from your web browser!

SimplePie Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Screencasts

We've worked extra hard to ensure that SimplePie is easy to use and easy to understand. That being said, it never hurts to get a little help to speed things up! We've got a collection of tips, tricks, tutorials, and screencasts to help you along the way!

SimplePie Plugins

Looking to integrate SimplePie into your blogs, wikis, forums, or other sites? The SimplePie Community has created several plugins that allow you to use SimplePie with all sorts of other software! Check our SimplePie Plugins page for a list of what we're aware of.

SimplePie Development Builds

Feeling frisky? Is there a feature or bug fix available, but hasn't yet been officially released? Interested in keeping up with the latest and greatest? Grab a copy of our in-development trunk build.